Microsoft App Dev GitHub Advanced Security Getting Started Workshop (5 Days)

Our Service

The Workshop - GitHub Advanced Security for GitHub Enterprise - Getting Started is a comprehensive program aimed at facilitating the adoption of GitHub Advanced Security. This workshop serves as a crucial resource for teams in the early stages of deployment. It offers tailored training sessions for key stakeholders, including rollout and deployment techniques, specialized training for security teams, and developer training. Participants will also engage in pilot team implementations and benefit from security results reviews. Additionally, advisory services will be provided to support planning and implementation throughout the process.

Key Components

  • GHAS Rollout & Deployment Training: Comprehensive training designed to kickstart your GitHub Advanced Security implementation.
  • GHAS Security Team Training: Equip your security team with essential skills and knowledge for effective governance and oversight.
  • GHAS Developer Training: Empower your developers with the best practices and tools to harness the full potential of GitHub Advanced Security.
  • Pilot Team Implementation: Hands-on support to launch your pilot team, ensuring a practical application of learned concepts.
  • Security Results Review: Analyze security outcomes and identify areas for improvement and action.

Your Benefits

  • Expert Services: Get first-hand insights and guidance from the experts.
  • Accelerated Adoption: Facilitate a quicker transition to GitHub Advanced Security, reducing the time to become fully operational.
  • Enhanced Security Posture: Strengthen your organization’s security framework with targeted training and resources.
  • Best Practices Implementation: Learn proven techniques and methodologies to maximize the effectiveness of your security efforts.
  • Tailored Support: Receive customized advisory services, ensuring that your specific needs and challenges are effectively addressed.
Microsoft Solutions Partner

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