Effective May 31, 2022, Microsoft Azure Cost Management and Billing became Microsoft Cost Management.
Microsoft Cost Management is an Azure tool that lets you monitor, allocate, and optimize cloud costs with transparency, accuracy, and efficiency.
Microsoft Cost Management continues to focus on transparency and visibility into costs throughout the organization.
For the announcement of Microsoft Cost Management, please visit: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/blog/microsoft-cost-management-updates-may-2022/#MSCostManagement.
For an overview of Microsoft Cost Management, please visit: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/cost-management/.
For an explanatory video, please visit: https://youtu.be/el4yN5cHsJ0.
For software licensing information on Microsoft products, please visit: https://www.schneider.im/software/microsoft/.
Please contact us for more information or to request a quote.