Microsoft Azure Hybrid Benefit with SQL Server expanded use rights

Microsoft Gold Partner - SCHNEIDER IT MANAGEMENT

Effective August 1, 2020, Microsoft expands use rights for the Microsoft Azure Hybrid Benefit with SQL Server giving additional flexibility in using Microsoft SQL Server Standard and Enterprise Core licenses. This creates chances for cost reduction and enables access to a larger bandwidth of features.
Microsoft SQL Server Standard Core licenses may now be used for Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise virtual machines with 4 Core licenses required for each virtual core, and Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Core licenses may now be used for Microsoft SQL Server Standard virtual machines with 1 Core license covering 4 virtual cores.
There are similar changes for the license requirements for the Microsoft Azure Data Factory SQL Server Integration Services Standard/Enterprise, and Microsoft SQL Server Standard Core licenses may now also be used for Microsoft Azure SQL Database Business Critical solutions with a requirement of 4 Core licenses to cover a virtual core.
For the announcement of expanded use rights for Microsoft Azure Hybrid Benefit with SQL Server, please visit: and have a look at the official documentation on pages 54/55 of the August 2020 Product Terms document:
For more information, please visit:

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