Effective September 29, 2020, the Microsoft Azure VMware solution is generally available (GA). This enables customers to seamlessly move VMware-based workloads from their data centers to Azure and integrate their VMware environment with Azure.
From a licensing perspective, customers running Microsoft Windows Server and SQL Server workloads can use the Azure Hybrid Benefit to reuse existing on-premises licenses and can also save money on the infrastructure by purchasing Reserved Instances.
For further information, please find the announcement here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/the-new-azure-vmware-solution-is-now-generally-available/.
For details on the solution itself, please visit: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/azure-vmware/.
Find an explanatory PDF here: https://dmc-cdn.azureedge.net/assets/MAVMS-AZ-AS-W103/What%20is%20Azure%20VMware%20Solution.pdf.
For software licensing information on Microsoft products, please visit: https://www.schneider.im/software/microsoft/.
Please contact us for more information or to request a quote.