Microsoft Data Estate Migration to Azure SQL Architecture Design and Review Session (3 Days)

Our Service

The Architecture Design and Review Session for Migrating your Data Estate to Azure SQL is a comprehensive 3-day program aimed at refining your organization's approach to data management in the cloud. Throughout this session, experts will work closely with you to analyze your business goals and specific requirements. The initial design phase focuses on crafting an ideal architecture that aligns with industry best practices. Following the implementation of a Proof-of-Concept, a thorough review will confirm that the proposed architecture meets your operational needs and supports successful migration to Azure SQL Database.
microsoft architecture services

Key Components

  • Business Objectives Alignment: Conduct comprehensive discussions to ensure your solution aligns with overall business goals.
  • Desired-State Architecture Design: Develop a state-of-the-art architecture that reflects best practices tailored to your business needs.
  • Proof-of-Concept Deployment: Facilitate the setup and deployment of a proof-of-concept to validate the proposed architecture.
  • Architecture Review Session: Perform an in-depth review to assess the architecture after the proof-of-concept deployment.
  • Documentation and Reporting: Provide detailed documentation of the architecture design and findings for future reference.

Your Benefits

  • Expert Services: Get first-hand insights and guidance from the experts.
  • Strategic Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of how to leverage Azure SQL to meet your business objectives.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: Improve the quality of your architecture decisions with expert validation and assessment.
  • Time and Cost Savings: Reduce the time and costs associated with misalignment and inefficient designs.
  • Future-Proof Solutions: Ensure your architecture is scalable and adaptable for future business needs.
microsoft architecture services
Microsoft Solutions Partner

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