Effective November 1, 2022, Microsoft Entra Workload Identities is available.
Microsoft Entra Workload Identities helps you to secure identities for apps and services and their access to cloud resources by:
- enhancing security with conditional access
- containing threats and reducing risk
- showing new and unused workload identities and reviewing their privileged access.
A workload identity is an identity used by a software workload such as an application, service, script, or container to authenticate and access other services and resources.
For an explanatory video and more information, please visit the product page: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/business/identity-access/microsoft-entra-workload-identities.
For another explanation of workload identities, please visit: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/workload-identities-overview.
Download this document about Workload Identities for more information: https://www.schneider.im/media/2022/11/Microsoft-2022-01-07-Licensing-An-Introduction-to-Workload-Identities.pdf.
For software licensing information on Microsoft products, please visit: https://www.schneider.im/software/microsoft/.
Please contact us for more information or to request a quote.