Softinventive Lab

Company Profile

Softinventive Lab is a software company, that provides solutions for managed software deployment, hardware and software asset management, and network monitoring.

The company’s goal is to help real people solve practical problems. Network technologies is an endless scope of interesting and rewarding challenges.


Product Profile

Total Network Inventory

Software for PC audit and network inventory in offices, companies, small and large corporate networks.

Network scanning

Windows, Mac OS X and Linux-based computers can be scanned without preinstalled agents – you just need to know the administrator’s password. Scan single nodes, network address ranges or Active Directory structure.

Inventory management

Each computer takes several dozen of kilobytes in the centralized storage of TNI. Group assets, provide them with comments and attach additional information. Total Network Inventory 2 will show your network in all its beauty!


Create flexible reports on different data categories. Build table reports with hundreds of fields of TNI data model. Reports can be copied, exported or printed, and the search feature shows the results before you finish typing.

Software accounting

The list of software found in the network is at your service. Just in a few clicks you will see the number of software copies and get the list of computers it is installed on.

And more…

  • Create a database of your network users
  • store a number of passwords for different assets and protocols
  • follow online status of assets in the real-time
These and many other features of TNI will save you a lot of effort and nerves during network audit.
Founded in 2006, Softinventive Labs Inc. has its headquarters in Pittsburgh, United States.