Adoption Services

Treiben Sie die digitale Transformation Ihres Unternehmens erfolgreich voran.

Integrieren Sie Ihre neuen Microsoft-Technologien erfolgreich mit maßgeschneiderter Beratung und Unterstützung. Unsere Adoption Services stellen sicher, dass Sie den Wert Ihrer neuen Microsoft-Lösungen durch detaillierte Analysen und strategische Planung maximieren.

Liste der Adoption Services

Primary Technology DE

Microsoft 365 Defender: Security Capability Adoption Service (2 Days)

The Security Adoption Framework (SAF) – Security Capability Adoption Planning is a dedicated engagement aimed at helping organizations maximize their investment in Microsoft security solutions, particularly Microsoft 365 Defender. In this structured program, participants will gain

Microsoft Accessibility Foundations Adoption Service (3 Days)

Adoption Foundations – Accessibility is a comprehensive program aimed at facilitating organizational change and enhancing productivity through effective technology use. Over several days, participants will learn critical Adoption and Change Management (ACM) strategies essential for fostering