Proof of Concepts

Lassen Sie Ihre neuen Microsoft-Konzepte validieren.

Validieren Sie Ihre Ideen mit maßgeschneiderten Proof of Concepts. Testen Sie die Machbarkeit, verfeinern Sie das Design und stellen Sie eine erfolgreiche Implementierung sicher. Arbeiten Sie mit Experten zusammen, um Ihre Vision zum Leben zu erwecken.

Liste der Proof of Concepts

Primary Technology DE

Microsoft 365 Defender: Activation Proof of Concept (2 Days)

Activate Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is a crucial service designed to enhance your organization’s cybersecurity posture against email threats, harmful links, and collaborative tool risks. It effectively utilizes features such as Safe Attachments, which block

Microsoft 365: Foundations Proof of Concept (3 Days)

The Microsoft 365 Foundations Workshop is a comprehensive four-day program aimed at enhancing your Microsoft 365 Modern Work initiative. This service is ideal for organizations with new or underutilized Microsoft 365 environments, as well as those

Microsoft 365: Frontline Worker Proof of Concept (2 Days)

The Frontline Worker Workshop – 2 Day is designed to boost the adoption of Microsoft 365 for frontline workers. This program helps organizations identify key business scenarios that lead to significant outcomes. With a flexible schedule,