Adobe PDF & Acrobat Integrations for Microsoft Office 365, OneDrive and SharePoint

The integration of Adobe PDF & Acrobat functions into the Microsoft Office 365 environment allow you to combine both technologies smoothly. Here are some examples how to use it:

  • You can create, manipulate, and view high-quality, secure PDFs across the web versions of Office 365, right from the toolbar of the web versions of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive and SharePoint.
  • Sales teams can now combine parts of PowerPoint and PDF files directly in SharePoint Online to create a new customer proposal, and even get that proposal signed with Adobe Sign without leaving SharePoint Online.
  • You can also add signing steps to SharePoint Online workflows, or use the Microsoft Flow connector to automate processes.

For more information about the different functionalities, please visit:

To benefit from the integration, you have to activate the Adobe Document Cloud add-in and the Adobe Sign add-in. With the following link you can install and configure the Microsoft + Adobe Document Cloud integrations: And here you find detailed instructions for the installation and configuration of Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint OneDrive

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