Effective July 11, 2022, Microsoft Windows Autopatch is generally available. This cloud service automates updates for Windows, Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, Edge and Teams.
The goal of Windows Autopatch is to deliver software updates to registered devices. The service frees up IT and minimizes disruptions to your end users. Once a device is registered with the service, Windows Autopatch takes on several areas of management:
- Windows quality updates: Windows Autopatch aims to keep at least 95% of eligible devices on the latest Windows quality update 21 days after release.
- Windows feature update: Windows Autopatch aims to keep at least 99% of eligible devices on a supported version of Windows so that they can continue receiving Windows feature updates.
- Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise: Windows Autopatch aims to keep at least 90% of eligible devices on a supported version of the Monthly Enterprise Channel (MEC).
- Microsoft Edge: Windows Autopatch configures eligible devices to benefit from Microsoft Edge’s progressive rollouts on the Stable channel.
- Microsoft Teams: Windows Autopatch allows eligible devices to benefit from the standard automatic update channel.
Licensing-wise, Windows Autopatch is included with Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3/E5/VDA licenses, and customers also need to be licensed for Azure Active Directory Premium and Microsoft Intune to take advantage of the service. Windows 365 for Business is not supported.
For the announcement of Microsoft Windows Autopatch, please visit: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/windows-autopatch-has-arrived/ba-p/3570119.
For a helpful FAQ, please visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/deployment/windows-autopatch/overview/windows-autopatch-faq.
For software licensing information on Microsoft products, please visit: https://www.schneider.im/software/microsoft/.
Please contact us should you have any questions or to request a quote.