Microsoft Azure Arc ESUs for DR and Dev/Test environments

Effective October 1, 2023, Microsoft added a clause to the Product Terms: If a customer has enabled Extended Security Updates (ESU) through Azure Arc they may use the updates on licensed Disaster Recovery servers and in Dev/Test environments.


Product Terms clause

The Product Terms clause states:

Disaster Recovery and Dev/Test Environments

Customer may apply Extended Security Updates enabled by Azure Arc to the following Operating System Environments (OSE) for no additional cost:

  • Customer’s entitled Disaster Recovery OSEs associated with its underlying software licenses.
  • Development, test, and related OSEs licensed with Microsoft Developer edition licenses or Visual Studio subscriptions.


More Information

Find the clause in the Product Terms, please visit:,Visual%20Studio%20subscriptions.

For software licensing information on Microsoft licensing programs, please visit:

Please contact us for expert services on your specific Microsoft agreements, more information and to request a quote.

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